Interactive Surface
COVID-19 Metro Space Alert
Course: VIS 2314 Responsive Environments
Instructor: Allen Sayegh
Collaborator: Taeyong Kim, Zinan Chi
Date: Sep.-Dec., 2020
By putting the human experience at the center and forefront, from the immediate body scale to the larger environment, encompassing buildings and the urban spaces, the course examines new and emerging models and technologies for the design of innovative architectural human interfaces and technologically augmented physical environments.
Interactive Surface is to rethink people’s reaction if they can visualize the danger/fearness in a public space. And the project explores the methods to visualize the interaction between people and surfaces in metro cars overtime.
Human Experience, Augmented Environment, Interactive Surface, Visualization
Fundamental questions including:
What are the benefits of creating technologically enhanced environments?
What are the psychological, social and environmental implications of creating such hybrids? And what are the criteria to measure successful responsive environments?
Themes include:
– embedded intelligence (integration of technologies at all scales),
– augmented spatiality (fostering hybrid realms),
– adaptive change (dynamic response to contextual constraints),
– hacked perception (shifting our understanding of space through technology),
– tailored dynamics (empowering people through technology and design).